The use of humic acids in ruminants makes sense in that it promotes rumen microbial growth as it does in the soil. Thus, increasing rumen microbial population which is conducive for nutrient digestion. Liquid humate extracts, primarily humic acid, have been assessed in several USA beef cattle and dairy trials. Through these well-conducted trials, varying levels of humic acid were fed, observing enhanced weight gain and decrease in feed dry matter conversion (i.e. lbs dry feed/weight lbs gain). In one recent United Kingdom trial, lactating dairy cows fed humic acid were observed to have significant improvement in milk production and percentage of milk protein.
In another United Kingdom trial with piglets fed humic acid at 3 different levels, significant improvement in growth and decrease in scours through the feeding period were observed. Pigs are monogastrics and not dependent on rumen microbial activity. The interesting item is the humic acid molecule may have acted to promote beneficial intestinal microbes, thereby reducing scours and piglet morbidity and mortality.

Optimise your pets immune system

Farmers have used humics for years to heal livestock of many diseases and aliments associated with the immune system. Improving sluggishness, growth capacity, nutrient absorbtion, healing capacity and degenerative disorders, therefore reducing the need for antibiotics and keeping ill health at bay. Humic and Fulvic also allows up 95% of other sources of nutrients such as vitamins, herbs, minerals and trace elements to penetratrate through into cells making natural and nutritional treatments more effective. Natural Nutri RX black fulvic powder can be utilised in many ways for your pets overall health, wellbeing and longevity to speed up recovery, prevent and treat parasites as well as any debilitating conditions and deficiency issues.

Equine health

Keep horses healthy and energetic

A large number of positive effects is attributed to humus (humic and fulvic acid), such as an improved intestinal health as a result of protective, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, improved immune function, binding of mycotoxins and the reduction of stress (Islam et al., 2005). In the past, research has been focused on farm animals, where improvements in growth, feed conversion and health have been demonstrated in chickens and pigs (Kocabagli et al., 2002, Bai et al., 2013). This is mainly due to an improvement in the development of the structure and health of the intestine. The increased surface area of the intestine allows for a better absorption of nutrients, and the intestines are better protected from harmful influences. This also has an effect on the blood parameters. Humic supplementation allows red blood cells to carry more oxygen. Among other benefits, this has a positive effect on the healing time of wounds, such as in tendon injuries of cutting horses (Islam et al., 2005). Positive effects are observed in the liver as well (Maslinski et al., 1993, Lotosh, 1991). These positive results in the scientific literature have led BioAg Europe BV to examine the effects of Humic on horses. Research is still ongoing but has led to the following preliminary conclusions.Humic positively affects gut health:• Promotes the development of the intestinal structure;• Protects the intestines from harmful influences;• Improves absorption of nutrients.Benefits:• Improved magnesium levels in the blood;• Less acidic saliva;• Improved energy values;• Improved blood flow;• Improved muscle tone / less muscle tension;• Increased muscle buffering capacity;• A more energetic and happier horse. INTESTINAL HEALTH IS AN ESSENTIAL LINK

Poultry and egg farming

The effect of diet supplementation with a humic acid supplement was further studied for its effect on the health status, feed efficiency and growth performance in broiler chickens.

European legislation has banned the use of antibiotics as growth promoters and for prophylactic purposes to avoid the development of cross-resistance to antibiotics used in animal therapy.

The move to improve food safety has thus imposed the development of new feeding strategies in order to reduce the risk and economic impact of digestive diseases.

One of the main challenges at poultry farms is presented by digestive disorders, especially in the first phase of rearing, often leading to a serious degradation of sanitary conditions and the consequent increased and often uncontrolled use of antibiotics to avoid huge losses of animals. Studies on the use of feed additives (probiotics, prebiotics, organic acids, plant extracts) in poultry have been given special attention because of the high susceptibility of the animals to digestive troubles.

Humic acid can decrease levels of mycotoxins in feed

In the search for natural solutions, humic substances (humic and fulvic acids) administered in the feed or drinking water are proving to be of interest. Humic substances are a class of compounds resulting from the decomposition of organic matter, particularly plants. Many studies and trials have showed their capacity to inhibit bacterial and fungal growth (decreasing levels of mycotoxins in feed), reduce stress by hormones, and improve the immune system, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, as well as to prevent and cure intestinal disorders. Humic substances also improve the nutritive value of feed and trace element utilisation, with positive effects on growth performances and a reduction in mortality.

Enquire about Black fulvic powder and optimising your Pet or Livestock health.

Increase longevity, stamina, lean muscle mass, milk yield and lower mortality rates by increasing healthy reproduction in farm / animal breeding and production chain.

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